It is a short six-verse invocation, asking Allah for protection from the evil of shaitan.
Surah Al Falaq surah and surah An Nas are the two surahs that are collectively referred to as Al-Mu'awwidhatayn.
These surahs were sent down at Makkah in the first instance when opposition to the Prophet Muhammad (sallalaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) had grown very intense. Later, when at Madinah, storms of opposition were raised by the hypocrites, Jews and polytheists, the Prophet was instructed to recite these very Surahs, as has been mentioned in the tradition from Hadrat Uqbah bin Amir.
After this, when magic was worked on him, and his illness grew intense, Angel Jibraeel ('alaihis salaam) came and instructed him by Allah's command to recite these two Surahs.
Surah Naas ⇨ This surah teaches us to seek Allah's refuge by referring to His three attributes:
1 He is Rabb-un nas, i.e. Sustainer;
2 Malik -in -nas,
i.e Providence and Master of all mankind;
3 He is Ilah-un-nas, i.e. real Deity of all mankind.
Seeking refuge by means of these three attributes means: "I seek refuge with that God, Who being the Sustainer, King and Deity of men, has full power over mankind, can fully protect them and can save them from the evil.
It is a brief five verse invocation, asking Allah for protection from the evil of soothsayers and envious.
Surah Al Falaq surah and surah An Nas are the two surahs that are collectively referred to as Al-Mu'awwidhatayn.
These surahs were sent down at Makkah in the first instance when opposition to the Prophet Muhammad (sallalaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) had grown very intense. Later, when at Madinah, storms of opposition were raised by the hypocrites, Jews and polytheists, the Prophet was instructed to recite these very Surahs, as has been mentioned in the tradition from Hadrat Uqbah bin Amir.
After this, when magic was worked on him, and his illness grew intense, Angel Jibraeel ('alaihis salaam) came and instructed him by Allah's command to recite these two Surahs.
Surah Falaq ⇨ This Surah teaches us to seek refuge with the Lord of the dawn, from the evil of everything that He has created, and from the evil of the darkness of night and from the evil of magicians, men and women, and from the evil of the envious people".
(Arabic: سورة الإخلاص, The Fidelity), Al-Ikhlaas means "the purity" or "the refining".
Also known as Sūrat At-Tawhīd (Arabic: سورة التوحيد, Monotheism)
This is the 112th Surah of the Qur'an.
It is a short declaration of tawhid, Allah's absolute oneness, consisting of 4 ayat.
Traditions show that different people on different occasions had questioned the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) about the essence and nature of the God to Whose service and worship he invited the people, and on every occasion he recited by Allah's command this very Surah in response.
Those days, the idolatrous polytheists were worshiping gods made of wood, stone, gold, silver and other substances.The gods and goddesses were descended from each other. Each God had wives and children, and all the goddesses had husband and relatives.
A large number of polytheists believed that God assumed human form and there were some people who descended from Him.
Under such conditions when the people were invited to believe in Allah, the One Who has no associate, it was inevitable that questions arose in the minds as to what kind of a God He was.
It is a miracle of Allah that in a few words He briefly answered all the questions and presented such a clear concept of the His Being, without leaving any room for the ascription of any of the human qualities to Him.
(Arabic: سورة لهب) - (meaning 'the father of flame') also called as Surah Al Masad
(Arabic: سورة المسد) -Meaning "a rope of palm fibre"
This is the 111th Surah of the Quran with 5 verses.
Narrated Ibn Abbas: When the Verse:- 'And warn your tribe of near-kindred(26:214), was revealed, the Prophet (pbuh) ascended the Safa (mountain) and started calling, "O Bani Fihr! O Bani `Adi!" addressing various tribes of Quraysh tribe till they were assembled.
Abu Lahab and other people from Quraish came and the Prophet (pbuh) then said, "Suppose I told you that there is an (enemy) cavalry in the valley intending to attack you, would you believe me?"
They said, "Yes, for we have not found you telling anything other than the truth." He then said, "I am a warner to you in face of a terrific punishment."
Abu Lahab said (to the Prophet) "May your hands perish all this day. Is it for this purpose you have gathered us?" Then it was revealed: "Perish the hands of Abu Lahab, and perish he! His wealth and his children will not profit him...."
In this Surah, Allah condemns Abu lahab (uncle of prophet Muhammad Pbuh) and his wife Umm Jamil.
In Makkah Abu Lahab was the next door neighbor of the Prophet. Their houses were separated by a wall. Besides him, Hakam bin As (Father of Marwan), Uqbah bin Abi Muait, Adi bin Hamra and Ibn al-Asda il-Hudhali also were his neighbors.
These people did not allow him to have peace even in his own house. Sometimes when He was performing the Prayer, they would place the goat's stomach on him; sometimes when food was being cooked in the courtyard, they would throw filth at the cooking pot.
The Prophet Muhammad salallaahu 'alaihi wasallam would sometimes come out and say: "O Bani Abdi Manaf, what kind of neighborliness is it?"
Abu Lahab's wife, Umm Jamil (Abu Sufyan's sister), had made it a practice to cast thorns at his door in the night so that when he or his children came out of the house at dawn, they should run thorns in the foot.
When the Prophet’s son Qasim ibn Muhammad (died 605) passed away, Abu Lahab came out of his house screaming and dancing. And he says Batara Muhammadun – Muhammed has had his lineage cut off.
On account of these very misdeeds this man was condemned in this Surah by name. And as for his wife, the PALM FIBRE rope in Hellfire shall be twisted around her neck. For she took great pride in wearing an ostentatious necklace.
When the Messenger's own uncle was taken to task publicly the people understood that there was no room for preference or partiality in their faith. A non-relative could become a near and dear one if he believed, and a near relation becomes a non-relative if he disbelieved. Thus, there is no place for the ties of blood in religion.
This is the 110th surah of the Qur'an with 3 ayat. An-Nasr translates to English as both "the victory" and "the help or assistance".
Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas states that this is the last Surah of the Quran to be revealed, i. e. no complete Surah was sent down to the Holy Prophet after it. (Muslim Nasai, Tabarani, Ibn Abi Shaibah, Ibn Marduyah).
This was the last Surah to be revealed, only a few months before the Prophet's death.
Tafsir ibn Kathir quotes a hadith, which states that Muhammad said with reference to this surah:
In truth, the people have entered into the religion of God in crowds and they will also leave it in crowds.
According to Hadrat Abdullah bin Umar, this Surah was sent down on the occasion of the Farewell Pilgrimage in the middle of the Tashriq Days at Mina, and after it the Holy Prophet rode his she camel and gave his well known Sermon. (Tirmidhi, Bazzar, Baihaqi, Ibn Abi Shaibah, Abd bin Humaid, Abn Yala, Ibn Marduyah).
Allah in this Surah had informed His Messenger (upon whom be peace) that when Islam attained complete victory in Arabia and the people started entering Allah's religion in great numbers, it would mean that the mission for which he had been sent to the world, had been fulfilled.
Then, he was enjoined to busy himself in praising and glorifying Allah by Whose bounty he had been able to accomplish such a great task, and should implore Him to forgive whatever failings and frailties he might have shown in the performance of the service.
(Arabic: سورة الكافرون) - Al-Kāfirūn means "The Unbelievers / The Disbelievers."
This is the 109th Surah of the Qur'an.
According to Hadrat Abdullah bin Abbas, the Quraish chiefs proposed to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w ; "We shall give you so much of wealth that you will become the richest man of Makkah. We shall give you whichever woman you like in marriage. We are prepared to follow and obey you as our leader, only on the condition that you will not speak ill of our Gods. If you do not agree to this, we present another proposal which is to your as well as to our advantage."
When the Prophet s.a.w asked what it was, they said that if he would worship their gods, "Lat" and "Uzza", for a year, they would worship Allah for the same space of time. Prophet s.a.w said: "Wait awhile; let me see what my Lord commands in this regard."
Thereupon the revelation came down: "Qul ya-ayyuhal- kafirun... "
It was revealed in order to exonerate the Muslims from the disbeliever's religion, their rites of worship, and their gods, and to express their total disgust and unconcern with them and to tell them that Islam and kufr (unbelief) had nothing in common and there was no possibility of their being combined and mixed into one entity.
Although it was addressed in the beginning to the disbelieving Quraysh in response to their proposals of compromise, yet it is not confined to them only.
Having made it a part of the Quran, Allah gave the Muslims, the eternal teaching that they should exonerate themselves by word and deed from the creed of kufr wherever and in whatever form it be, and should declare without any reservation that they cannot make any compromise with the disbelievers in the matter of Faith.
(Arabic: سورة الكوثر) (literally means "Abundance / the most abundant good", also the name of a river in Paradise {Jannah})
This is the 108th surah of the Qur'an, and the shortest.
The enemies of Rasoolullah sallalahu 'alyhi wa sallam thought that
Muhammad (صل الله عليه وسلم) had been completely ruined; he had been cut off from his community, his trade was ruined, his male children who could carry on his name were dead, the message that he was preaching was accepted by only a handful of the people, he was helpless and powerless and he was facing failure and disappointment.
His enemies would rejoice over the thought that there would be no one to remember him after he has gone.
This Surah was therefore sent to console the prophet Muhammad s.a.w ( sallalahu 'alyhi wa sallam)
Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala said, “Verily, We have granted you Al-Kawthar.” Kawthar is a beautiful river in paradise, it's banks are gold and silver, it's bed is precious stones and pearls, whiter than snow and sweeter than honey. Reported in Tirmidhi and Ahmed.
Allah has favored you with unbounded good and countless deeds.
This included the matchless moral qualities of the Prophet, the Prophethood, the Quran and his knowledge and wisdom. His message spread throughout the world and alhamdulillah still continues to reach far and wide.
Then, contrary to the polytheistic practice, Allah reminds that your prayer is only for Allah and your sacrifice also is for Him alone.
Finally Allah says, indeed he who hates you, O Muhammad, and he hates what you have come with of guidance, truth, clear proof and manifest light, he is the most cut off, meanest, lowliest person who will not be remembered.
Lessons we learn
Follow the teachings of the beloved Prophet (saw). The only inheritance that he left is not just wealth of property but the Knowledge of Quran and deen.
Allah has blessed us with many bounties which we overlook, so let us learn to be sincerely thankful for everything.
Let us always refresh our intentions that whatever good deed we do (prayer or sacrifice), is only for sake of Allah alone. ( not to show off or for people to praise instead).
Do not cut off yourself from remembrance of Allah by ignoring or neglecting obligatory acts.
( Arabic: سورة الماعون ) -Small Kindnesses, Alms giving
This is the 107th surah of the Qur'an with 7 ayat.
Its theme is to point out what kind of low morals a man develops when he refuses to believe in the Hereafter.
In verses 2-3 the condition of the disbelievers who openly deny the Hereafter has been described, and in the last four verses the state of those hypocrites who apparently are Muslims but have no idea of the Hereafter, its judgment; and the meting out of rewards and punishments accordingly has been described.
This Surah was revealed in Madinah where a myriad of factions were conspiring to contain the growing Islamic influence. It holds out a threat of destruction to those praying Muslims, who are unmindful of their Prayers and who pray only to be seen.
These people deprive the orphans of their rights, are heedless to the dues of the destitute (poor and needy), and pray without holding Allah in remembrance, forgetting the objective behind prayer.
Their charitable acts are a display of their false piety, since they do not give for the love of Allah.
We all struggle with our daily prayers therefore This Surah is a reminder from Allah for us to get attentive and sincere in our prayers and other deeds. And being careful not to fall into Riya ( showing off) and not be negligent on doing even the smallest of good deeds.
(سورة القريش ) - The Quraysh ( name of a tribe/qabila)
Ayats : 4
Revealed in : Makkah
This Surah is linked with Surah Al Fil (سورة الفيل ), where Allah shows how He protected their community and their city.
It is through The Rabb of the Kabah they were honored as the custodians of the Kabah.
Due to their privileged status as the custodians of kabah, no one would loot them during their travels; rather people respected them and travelled with them to protect them. It is Allah who protected them and their trade during their journeys both in summers and winters.
Kaba being the center of the pilgrimage, it bought them trade and prestige from Allah, and therefore they were rich and never went hungry.
Therefore, Allah reminds them of His favors, how He honored them, fed them and protected them from all kinds of fear.
And Allah reminds them that it is He who is the Rabb of the Kabah.
Everything that we possess belongs to Allah. Our respect and honor in the society is from Allah alone. Therefore, obey Him and He will protect your honor and grace in this world (duniya) and the next (aakhirah).
This is the 105th chapter (surah) of the Qur'an consisting of 5 verses.
The year of Muhammad's birth is identified as 'the Year of the Elephant', when Mecca was attacked by Abraha accompanied by a troop of elephants.
This Surah tells about how Allah saved the Meccans from this force by sending a swarm of birds that pelted the invaders with clay stones and drove them away.
This is one of the favors Allah did for the Quraysh. He saved them from the People of the Elephant who had tried to tear down the Ka`bah and wipe out all traces of its existence.
If Surah al-Fil is studied in the light of the historical details, one can fully understand why in this Surah only Allah's inflicting His punishment on the people of the elephant has been referred and described so briefly.
The Arabs believed that the Ka'bah had been protected in this invasion not by any human force but by Allah Almighty Himself.
The Allah alone had been invoked by the Quraish chiefs for help, and for quite a few years the people of Quraish having been impressed by this event, had worshiped none but Allah.
Therefore, there was no need to mention the details in Surah al-Fil, but only a reference to it was enough so that the people of Arabia, in general, should consider well in their hearts the message that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) was giving.
For the only message that he gave was that they should worship and serve none but Allah, the Only and One.
Then, they should also consider that if they used force to suppress this invitation to the truth, they would only be inviting the wrath of God, Who had so completely routed and destroyed the people of the elephants.
(Arabic: سورة الهمزة) (The Traducer, The Gossip monger)
This is the 104th surah of the Qur'an, with 9 ayaat.
The Main statement in this Surah [Humazah] is the Consequences of man in loss. It condemns those who slander others, whether by speech or action, and imagine that their own wealth will keep them immune from death, and describes the doom of Hell which awaits them.
In it some of the evils prevalent among the materialistic hoarders of wealth in the pre-Islamic days have been condemned. Every Arab knew that they actually existed in their society; they regarded them as evils and nobody thought they were good.
After calling attention to this kind of ugly character, the ultimate end in the Hereafter of the people having this kind of character has been stated.
Both these things (i.e. the character and his fate in the Hereafter) have been depicted in a way which makes the listener automatically reach the conclusion that such a man fitly deserves to meet such an end.
And since in the world, people of such character do not suffer any punishment, but seem to be thriving instead, the occurrence of the Hereafter becomes absolutely inevitable.
If this Surah is read in the sequence of the Surahs beginning with Az-Zalzalah, one can fully well understand how the fundamental beliefs of Islam and its teachings were impressed on the people's minds in the earliest stage in Makkah.
In this Surah, after presenting a specimen of leadership of the pre-Islamic age of ignorance, the people have been asked the question: "What should such a character deserve if not loss and perdition"
(Arabic: سورة العصر ) (The Declining Day, Eventide, The Epoch, Time)
This is the 103rd sūrah of the Qur’ān. It contains three ayaah.
Surah Al-‘Asr is the second shortest surah after Al-Kawthar.
This Surah is a matchless specimen of comprehensiveness and brevity. A whole world of meaning has been compressed into its few brief words, which is too vast in content to be fully expressed even in a book.
In it, in a clear and plain way it has been stated what is the way to true success for man and what is the way to ruin and destruction for him.
It teaches that all human beings are in loss, except those who have Imaan (concept), do righteous deeds and remind others of the Haqq (truth, rights, reality) and remind others of Sabr (patience).
Imam Shafi has very rightly said that if the people only considered this Surah well, it alone would suffice them for their guidance.
How important this Surah was in the sight of the Companions can be judged from the tradition cited from Hadrat Abdullah bin Hisn ad-Darimi Abu Madinah, according to which whenever any two of them met they would not part company until they had recited Surah Al- 'Asr to each other (Tabarani).
(Arabic: سورة التكاثر) (Rivalry In World Increase, Competition)
This is the 102nd surah of the Qur'an with 8 aayat.
In it the people have been warned of the evil consequences of world worship because of which they spend their lives in acquiring more and more of worldly wealth, material benefits and pleasures, and position and power, till death, and in vying with one another and bragging and boasting about their acquisitions.
This one pursuit has so occupied them that they are left with no time or opportunity for pursuing the higher things in life.
After warning the people of its evil end they have been told as if to say: "These blessings which you are amassing and enjoying thoughtlessly, are not mere blessings but are also a means of your trial.
For each one of these blessings and comforts you will surely be called to account in the Hereafter."
This is the 101st surah of the Qur'an with 11 ayaah. "Qari'ah" has been translated to calamity, striking, catastrophe, clatterer, etc.
Its theme is Resurrection and the Hereafter.
At the outset, the people have been aroused and alarmed, saying: "The Great Disaster! What is the Great Disaster. And what do you know what the Great Disaster is?!
"Thus, after preparing the listeners for the news of the dreadful calamity, Resurrection has been depicted before them in two sentences, saying that on that Day people will be running about in confusion and bewilderment just like so many scattered moths around a light, and the mountains uprooted, will fly about like carded wool.
Then, it has been said that when Allah's Court is established in the Hereafter and the people are called upon to account for their deeds,
The people whose good deeds are found to be heavier than their evil deeds, will be blessed with bliss and happiness and
The people whose good deeds are found to be lighter than their evil deeds, will be cast into the deep pit full of burning fire.
(Arabic: سورة العاديات ) (The Courser, The Chargers)
This is the 100th surah of the Qur'an with 11 ayaat.
Its object is to make the people realize how evil man becomes when he denies the Hereafter, or becomes heedless of it, and also to warn them that in the Hereafter, not only their visible and apparent deeds but even the secrets hidden in their hearts too will be subjected to scrutiny.
The general chaos and confusion prevailing in Arabia, with which the whole country was in turmoil, has been presented as an argument.
Bloodshed, loot and plunder raged on every side. Every Arab was fully conscious of this state of affairs and realized that it was wrong.
Referring to this very state of affairs, it has been said :
Unaware of the second life after death and his accountability before Allah in it, man has become ungrateful to his Lord and Sustainer.
He is using the powers and abilities given by Allah for perpetrating tyranny and pillage; Blinded by the love of worldly wealth he tries to obtain it by every means, however impure and filthy, and his own state itself testifies that by abusing the powers bestowed by his Lord he is being ungrateful to Him.
He would never have behaved so, had he known the time when the dead will be raised from the graves, and when the intentions and motives with which he had done all sorts of deeds in the world, will be exposed and brought out before everyone to see.
At that time the Lord and Sustainer of men shall be well informed of what one had done and what punishment or reward one deserved.
This is the 99th surah of the Qur'an, composed of 8 Aayaah.
Its theme is the second life after death and presentation in it before man, of the full record of the deeds done by him in the world. The surah begins by describing how, on the Day of Judgment, the Earth will give off a terrible earthquake and "throw up her burdens".
Through the inspiration of Allah, the Earth will bear witness to the actions of men it has witnessed. In the first three sentences it has been told briefly how the second life after death will take place and how confounding it will be for man.
In the next two sentences it has been said that this very earth on which man has lived and performed all kinds of deeds thoughtlessly, and about which he never could fancy that this lifeless thing would at some time in the future bear witness to his deeds, will speak out on that Day, by Allah's command and will state in respect of each individual person what act he had committed at a particular time and place.
Then, it has been said that men on that Day, rising from their graves, will come out in their varied groups from all corners of the earth, to be shown their deeds and works, and their presentation of the deeds will be so complete and detailed that not an atom's weight of any good or evil act will be left unnoticed or hidden from his eyes.
(Arabic: سورة البينة) (The Clear Proof, Evidence)
This is the 98th surah of the Qur'an with 8 Aayaat.
Its having been placed after Surah Al-'Alaq and Al-Qadr in the arrangement of the Qur'an is very meaningful. Surah Al-Alaq contains the very first revelation, while Surah Al-Qadr shows as to when it was revealed, and in this Surah it has been explained why it was necessary to send a Messenger along with this Book (Qur'an).
First of all, the need of sending a Messenger has been explained, saying:
The people of the world, be they from among the followers of the earlier scriptures or from among the idolaters, could not possibly be freed from their state of unbelief, until a Messenger was sent. Whose appearance by itself should be a clear proof of his apostleship, and he should present the Book of Allah before the people in its original, pristine form, which should be free from every mixture of falsehood corrupting the earlier Divine Books; and which should comprise sound teachings.
Then, about the errors of the followers of the earlier Books it has been said that the cause of their straying into different creeds was not that Allah had not provided any guidance to them, but they strayed only after a clear statement of the Right Creed had come to them.
In this very connection, it has been stated that the Prophets who came from Allah and the Books sent down by Him, did not enjoin anything but that the way of sincere and true service to Allah be adopted, apart from all other ways, no one else's worship, service or obedience be mixed with His, the salaat be established and the zakaat be paid.
In conclusion, it has been pointed out clearly that the followers of the earlier Books and the idolaters who would refuse to acknowledge this Messenger are the worst of creatures: their punishment is an everlasting Hell;
And the people who would believe and act righteously, and would spend life in the world in awe of Allah, are the best of creatures: their reward is eternal Paradise wherein they will live for ever. Allah became well pleased with them and they became well pleased with Allah.